f ✿ sArAnGhEyO ♥: ! @$k y0u

Wednesday 29 June 2011

! @$k y0u

and ! ask you,
for how long must ! search for you?
w!ll !t be for etetn!ty?
before ! f!nd,
someone w!ll!ng to d!e for,
the etern!ty ! want !s noth!ng but you,
only you are w!ll!ng to share,l!sten and care for me,
though people sa!d !t was hard to f!nd you,
as you are rare and unseen,
but ! w!ll keep search!ng,
t!ll ! f!nd you....

! ask you,
w!ll you embrace me?
when ! am fall!ng....
! ask you,
w!ll you search for me?
when ! lost......
! ask you,
w!ll you l!ght my way?
when ! have lost the light...

and you ask me back,
w!ll ! do the same for you?
! was awkward,confused,
drowned by melancholy,
you can't trust me,
we are steeped in dece!t,
once aga!n,
!'m on th!s journey search!ng for another you........

bel!eve me,
! am more than just meets the eye,
and ! ask you,
w!ll the l!ght st!ll sh!ne as br!gt?
all throughout the night,
!f ! can't find you......

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